April - May, 2018




Local 8 will be holding nomination meetings in May, 2018. Special call meetings will be held in conjunction with the regular meetings in Fort McMurray, Lethbridge, Edmonton, Red Deer and Calgary. Please check the calendars on the home page for dates & locations.All meetings start at 7:30 PM except for Fort McMurray, which starts at 8:00 PM.


There will be three calls for nominees for the positions at each of the meetings. Only members in good standing can nominate another member.


No member shall be nominated for or elected to two (2) local union positions or offices at the same time unless the offices had previously been combined by action of the Local (i.e. Business Manager / F.S.T.; Business Representative / V.P.).


Members eligible for nomination, election, appointment or service must:

                                    a)     Be paying the rate that keeps him/her a member in good standing

                                    b)     Have dues and other obligations due the Local paid in advance for the current month and are 

                                            properly recorded and have official receipts in his/her possession

                                    c)     Have established a record of good standing in the Local in which he/she is a candidate for not less

                                            than two (2) consecutive years immediately preceding his/her nomination, appointment or election. Nominees

                                            must have completed their apprenticeship.


Any member who is nominated but not present at the meeting must notify the recording secretary, in writing within five (5) days of the meeting, if he/she wishes to have his/her name stand. If no such confirmation is received, his/her name will be removed from the list of nominees.


The list of nominees and further details will be published in the next newsletter, which will be mailed out shortly after the final May meeting; when all nominees have been confirmed.


Positions For Election:  Terms – July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2021


Local # 8 Officers


President - One to be elected

Business Manager / Financial Secretary-Treasurer - One to be elected

Vice-President / Business Representative (Calgary Office) - One to be elected

Business Representative (Edmonton Office) - One to be elected

Recording Secretary - One to be elected

Executive Board Members (North) - Three to be elected

Executive Board Members (South) - Three to be elected

Union Trustees - Three to be elected

Warden (Fort McMurray Area) - One to be elected

Warden (Edmonton Area) - One to be elected

Warden (Calgary Area) - One to be elected


Benefit Plan Trustees


Health & Welfare Trustee - One to be elected

Pension Plan Trustee - One to be elected

Local 8 News:

·        April 28th is the Day of Mourning for all those workers who have been injured or killed on the job. Please take a moment to remember those workers and their families. Last year 166 men and women died from workplace injuries or illness. This serves as a reminder that we all need to work safely each and every day.


·         A COMET course will take place on April 21st at 9:00 AM in the Edmonton Hall. Contact Kerry in the Edmonton office to register for it.


·         Job steward course will take place on April 28th at 9:00 AM in the Edmonton hall. Contact Shawn in the Edmonton office to register for it.


Training Department Update



Training Department Update:


  • The training department is now teaching Standard First Aid and Confined Space Entry/Monitor in the Edmonton hall. Check the training calendar for dates.
  • Some of the required courses for the upcoming shutdown season will be: OSSA Confined Space, OSSA H2S Alive, OSSA Fall protection, and OSSA EWP. Make sure your tickets are up to date. Register for these courses or re-certification now. Call Adrienne at extension 225 or email – adrienne@local8.ca.
  • If you haven’t already done so, please update your WHMIS. There is free link on the website just above the training calendar or put the following address into your web browser: http://aixsafety.com/free-whmis-2015-training-and-free-test-and-certification/
  • The Edmonton hall has several computers available if you need to do your on-line orientations. Both Jason and Adrienne are on hand to assist you with any questions or concerns you might have related to these new computer courses.
  • If you are returning to school for Sheet Metal Worker, please contact Jason for courses required to earn your $500.00 book credit.
  • At least twice a year all members should contact the hall to make sure their certificates are up to date and current copies are on file.
  • Skills Canada is coming up May 31 – June 1. Please come out and support our apprentices.